Is an AC Compressor Covered Under My Warranty?

Is an AC Compressor Covered Under My Warranty?

The compressor is one of your AC’s most important parts. Replacing one can cost as much as $3,000, so many people opt for air conditioner replacement when it fails.1 We’ll explain why an AC compressor is so expensive later. First, let’s look at whether your AC...
Benefits of HALO UV Lights for HVAC Systems

Benefits of HALO UV Lights for HVAC Systems

At Tri County Air, we install REME HALO® systems to improve indoor air quality. These air purification solutions work using either ultraviolet (UV) light or LED technology. In this article, we’ll explain the benefits of HALO UV lights for HVAC systems. What Is REME...
Do I Always Need to Call for AC Repair in Bradenton?

Do I Always Need to Call for AC Repair in Bradenton?

When your AC isn’t working properly, it’s generally a good idea to call a professional. However, as the owner and user of your HVAC system, you can also troubleshoot it before calling for AC repair in Bradenton. Not every issue demands an immediate call for help. If...
9 Reasons to Replace the Ductwork in Your Attic

9 Reasons to Replace the Ductwork in Your Attic

The estimates on how much air is lost due to ductwork issues vary (they range anywhere from 25% to 50%). That means you’re probably wasting energy and money. On average, most ducts last up to 15 years. By then, materials such as plastic and fiberglass start to break...
Does the Outside AC Fan Always Run?

Does the Outside AC Fan Always Run?

The outdoor AC unit is one of the system’s most important components. You may not think it always running is a bad thing. But if you’re asking, “Does the outside AC fan always run?” the answer is “No.” It should not run non-stop. If the unit runs continuously,...
Does Mold Cause Black Spots Around Air Vents?

Does Mold Cause Black Spots Around Air Vents?

Black spots around air vents in your home can be a sign of black mold. If you’ve eliminated potential causes, such as fireplace soot or a leaky duct, address the problem immediately. Black mold can be highly toxic. And, the longer you wait, the more difficult and...