Date: Oct 5, 2021
Topics: Ducts, IAQ, Mold Prevention, Video
Are you concerned that the “black stuff” around your ducts and on your ceiling might be mold? Take a look at this video to see what it is and what you can do to fix it.
Date: Aug 17, 2021
Topics: Blog Article, Mold Prevention
Florida’s warm climate attracts thousands of guests during the fall and winter months. Who doesn’t want to be able to go to the beach in November while much of the country is layered in snow? As winter changes into spring and our seasonal residents flee the rising...
Date: Aug 1, 2021
Topics: Blog Article, Mold Prevention, Tips For Seasonal Residents
Mildew thrives in cool, dark, and humid conditions. It is not only unsightly, but mildew can also be a health hazard. When leaving your Florida home for the summer, the following tips may help prevent mildew and ensure an easier clean up when you return. To Prevent...