Venice Cares and the Tri County Community Foundation are powered by Tri County Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. Billy Swanson, President of Tri County Air Conditioning and Heating sought a way for Tri County Air to give back to the community. Billy envisioned Tri County Air to be more than just a for-profit company. He saw the mission of Tri County Air, “to comfort all in such a way that (1) they are compelled to tell others about their experience and (2) it honors the great comforter, Jesus Christ” going beyond air conditioning. To Billy, “to comfort all” meant providing a vehicle for customers and employees to be the man power other non-profit organizations needed. Thus the Tri County Community Foundation was born in January of 2014.
The Tri County Community Foundation’s motto is “loving others with the comfort of Christ.” That motto is built on two scriptures, “so then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith” Galatians 6:10 and “religion that is pure and un-defiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”
Tri County Community Foundation/ Venice Cares directors Jim and Chris were tasked to start a database that could register volunteers, follow agencies, and communicate for agency volunteerism. Jim and Chris have been instrumental in matching volunteer’s hearts to serve with the needs in the community.
It started with the National Make-A-Difference Day. The Tri County Community Foundation partnered with the City of Venice to do a park makeover. There were over 400 volunteers helping to makeover Centennial Park in Venice, Florida. John Veneziano, Director of Public Works in Venice, had this to say about Make-A-Difference Day: “this is a living, growing project that has saved the city thousands of dollars and gotten teens involved in a volunteer effort to better their community.” Venice Mayor, John Holic, praise Tri County saying, “this is a perfect example of the community at heart.”
If you are a teen or have a teen that needs volunteer hours, please download our app Venice Cares for volunteer opportunities in the tri county area.
We would love to match your talents and skills with specific needs in the community. Click the button above to sign up as a volunteer.
If you have questions about how Venice Cares can assist your non-profit organization, please contact Jim Foubister at (941) 485-2222.