Many people love that today’s high-efficiency air conditioning and heating systems help them save money on their electric bills. Who wouldn’t, right? Unfortunately, not a lot of people keep in mind that even though they save money on their electric bills, air conditioners are not meant to last forever. The air conditioners and heat pumps of today are built for efficiency, not durability.
Just like any machine, with wear and tear, air conditioners and heat pumps get worn down and break. So, instead of thinking, “hey I have extra money to spend this month since I saved so much on electricity with my new air conditioner” it would be a good idea to set some of that savings aside for preventative maintenance and repairs. This alone will not only help you with keeping that air conditioning system running, but the preventative maintenance could also keep it from breaking sooner than anticipated.
Thankfully, if you find yourself unprepared and don’t have money set aside, don’t worry and let the price tag of a repair scare you. Take advantage of the financing options that are available to you by requesting more information and applying today!
We have great benefits such as:
- Convenient monthly payments
- Payment options-online or by mail
- A dedicated credit line to use again and again with Tri County Air
Access 24/7:
- Make payments
- View your balance
- Schedule up to your next 12 payments
Easy to use:
- Use your card for future purchases or products we offer
- No expiration date
- Cardholder- only special offers
If you are wanting to replace your system, in addition to the financing option listed above, you are also able to utilize RenewPACE. PACE Financing stands for Property Assessed Clean Energy Financing and is a great option for homeowners who want to take advantage of the equity they have built up in their home.